McMaster Schedule 2 Google Calendar

Easily sync your McMaster University class schedules to Google Calendar for better organization and time management.

This app helps students export their McMaster University class schedules directly into Google Calendar for better organization and time management. It was developed by a couple of students when the original McMaster tool for this went down. We hope you find it useful and we hope to add more customizations in the future!

P.S. This app is still getting approved by Google, which is a long process, so you will get a warning when signing in with Google. You can continue by clicking advanced and continuing with Google. You could also wait until the app is approved, or check out the code here if you are still unsure.

This app requests your McMaster schedule data to extract calendar information and access to your Google account to sync events securely. We value your privacy and do not store any personal information. You can read our complete Privacy Policy at the bottom of the page.

Step 1: Allow Google Calendar Access

Sign into google calendar and press "allow"

Step 2: Toggle Notifications

Select if you want each calendar event to include a reminder

Step 3: Copy & Paste Courses

Go to the and copy and paste your courses below. Highlight your courses starting from the first cell in the top right corner all the way to the bottom right corner as shown in the

Which format are your dates in?

Step 4: Confirm and copy your schedule to Google Calendar

Step 5: Sign out of Google Calendar